Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What drives your life?

Martin's question to all of us the previous weeks intrigued me and kept me thinking.

What drives my life?
Driving is a term used for a car, a taxi, a bus.
What drives them, and keep them moving are the engine, the person behind the wheels.
These factors decide where the car is going...

Back to the question, what drives MY life?
What factors keep my life moving?
What factors keep me going despite the rains and shines of life?
What factors decide where my life is going?
What's my "engine"?

I am now 3 weeks away from our first baby's arrival.
My brain's filled with all kinds of excitement n twists of anxieties.
Plus all the nerve-wrecking, throat-choking "what ifs" that are flushing down my systems day and nite :P

Yet everyday my heart keeps pounding with excitement n unexplainable rushes of JOY.
Somehow there's something inside me that keeps stirring,
driving me, MOVING me to keep doing what I'm supposed to do,
not stopping despite of situations happening around me and INSIDE me.

Then it hits me.
This is "that" thing that drives my life.
This is "that" thing called PASSION.
This is my "engine"...

My passion is to see a person with a broken past... worshiping God like there's no tomorrow.
My passion is to see a person with self confidence issue in the past, can worship lead like crazy for God on the stage...
My passion is to see a person, coming from a broken family, can now be CHANGED into a person who can encourage, entertain, and uplift d broken spirits, bringing them one step closer to Jesus.

My passion is to see people with broken past, CHANGED to become History Makers for Christ.

My passion do whatever it takes, whatever the cost is...
to bring people to Jesus, one step at a time.
The Jesus who will change them from the inside out.
Not a temporary change that will not last,
but a lasting change..that they'll bring to eternity.
Until one day, when I meet them in the heaven's door,
they'll smile at me and say:
"Hey Joy, we made it. Thank you! :)"

That's my definition of a true Joy.
Will do it for the rest of my life, won't stop til the day I die.
That's the thing that drives my life. :)

What drives yours?

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