Monday, November 24, 2008

Brutal kinda love...

Watched that movie John Q at Kero's house today...After morning service n lunch with the inter group, Zoe dropped off Emily n Lydia...and she dropped us home. Guess what... me n mom forgot our house keys, Martin and Nanat already left for evening service, mrk tugas.... *VRY NICE* So, after several unsuccessful attempts of "breaking in my own house from the back window" by zoe n me...we finally gave up, n stranded at Ann n Kero's till evening service ended. -.-"

Niweiz, that John Q story was amazing... Story about a dad whose son had a heart failure, and about to die within days unless he got immediate heart transplant. The only problem was the heart transplant cost about $250,000 and the Pain-In-The-Butt hospital needed $75,000 downpayment to even get the kid's name ON THE LIST to get a donor... This is based on a true story by the way, which depicts how the sucky HMO insurance in the U.S works! No money - No help!

Soon this John Q guy (Denzel Washington) did whatever he can to come up with $75 K within days. He sold all his furniture, sold his diamond rings, emptied his bank account, called left and right for donations, applied for financial aids, did some appeal to get the INSURANCE to cover. Still, he only came up with NOT EVEN HALF OF IT! n soon, he came up with brutal idea of "hi-jacking" the hospital and kept some hostages, until he had his wish granted- just for his son to get some help.

Finally, the touching part was when the doctors finally agreed to do the surgery, but there was only one problem left: They didn't have any matching donor. This part really striked me: when John Q suddenly pulled out his gun, and said, "I'll die, and give away MY heart to be transplanted into Mikey's, we're both B positive"...
He literally pointed his gun towards his head....
He was ready to die in the place of his son...

(The rest of the story you gotta watch it by urself!!)

When I watched this movie.... somehow, the kinda love that John Q had for his kiddo looked familiar... The kind of love that is IRRATIONAL... The kind that's not only giving, but also SACRIFICIAL. The kinda love that'd do ANYTHING, to a certain extent of GIVING UP HIS OWN LIFE, just to see the boy lives. An ABANDONED kinda LOVE that doesn't care about what the world says, to have literally EVERYBODY against you, mock you, call you crazy. The only thing he knew was: "I LOVE MY SON, AND I WILL DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING!! TO KEEP HIM ALIVE!" The kind of love that's so strong, so aggressive...

A brutal kinda love...
The Father kinda love...
OUR Father's kinda love...

Seeing the boy sleeping helplessly as he waited for the heart transplant with IVs all over his body, his tension dropped as he innocently waited for a donor... Despite his failing body...his heart was at rest. Somehow he knew that his dad will come through for him. He is RIGHT NOW fighting for his life. His dad will do anything to sustain him... to keep him alive and well. Somehow he knew his dad would get him through this...

An innocent child's kinda trust...
A helpless, trusting child's kinda faith...
A faith like a child?

Do we have that kind of faith..?
Do we know, that despite our "failing" situations,
our DAD is fighting and literally doing EVERYTHING to keep us alive and well, RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT? He is literally praying, making a way, interceding, doing anything, to make u well.
Do we know that in fact, He has already DIED in our place, so that we don't have to suffer?

God was actually standing in front of the devil who was about to take our lives away,
pulling out His gun to his head and said: "I'll die in her place, I'll give my own live, WHATEVER IT TAKES, as long as you let her go, and let her live!"

Such a strong, sacrificial love...
Such an aggresive, irrational love...
a Brutal kinda love...
a Father kinda love...

“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

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