Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mighty vs. Weak

There are times when we experience "spiritual high",
Feels like we're the Mighty Warrior of God,
This passion inside us is uncontainable,
We love God more than anything else and we want to do more for God's Kingdom, We can hear Him speak everyday,
We feel this "Tight Bond" with our Father, seems like Nothing can ever come between us...

There are also times when we experience the "low tide" of our walk with God,
Like today... I'm in one of those days...
I felt fearful, shaky, and not knowing what's going to happen next.
The idea of child-bearing is so overwhelming,
I just sat there in my room and said, "God I can't do it, I'm scared, and I need You..."

Then just like a film, God gave me a flash back, of the times when I felt "MIGHTY" in my life,
I saw myself, walking from village to village in Summer Mission trips,
Sleeping only 3 hours a day, waking up early in the morning,
Healing and praying for the sick, Jumping up and down in Mission Concerts,
Shouting for Joy in the midst of a million people in Ambon and Timor...
The excitement and thrill of bringing people to Jesus...
I looked strong...and valiant.

Then after that, in the film, God also gave me a flash back of my "SO NOT MIGHTY" times,
There I saw myself sitting hopelessly in my room after Mario's death...I felt so weak....
I sat on the floor next to my bed, crying out to God,
I was crushed...depressed...
I asked..."God why is it so hard...? Our wedding is in 4 months, yet you take one of the precious person in our lives..." I was wailing and whining...
Until suddenly out of nowhere, I felt a heavy presence of God...It was like God was wrapping His arms around me...and soon I heard a whisper, "Joy, I'm sorry it's painful, but everything will turn out good for those who loves Me"....
My cry of misery turns into a cry of an overwhelming peace..and joy...
I felt warm...
It was almost like my Daddy was putting a security blanket over my cold heart.
There in my bedroom floor, I experience His quiet love and assurance.
Indeed, He is close to the broken hearted n those crushed in spirit.

Then after the "flashback"was over...God spoke to me again during my quiet time today,
"Joy, which one do you think I cherish more, the time when you are Mighty...all strong and powerful, OR the time when you are weak? U know, I really2 cherish the time when you are powerless so I can show My power through you. I cherish the time when you depend 100% on my strength...lean on My chest, so I can quiet you with My love. I cherish the time when you cried out to me in your darkest hour...I cherish our "bedroom moments"...
I love you not only when you are Mighty, but also when you are fearful and weak, because when you are weak, I am Mighty to Save"

[so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt T_T ]

Once again, I cried of His assurance and understanding... what a powerful GOD He is!!!

Zephaniah 3:16-17 said:
"Do not fear, O Zion, do not let your hands hang limp.
The Lord Your God is with you,
He is Mighty to Save!
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing...
The sorrows of the appointed feasts, I will remove from you.."

In this verse, God said: "Do not fear..." It seems like He understands that one day,we are going to be FEARFUL, WEAK, and limping...He knows that one day, we are going to be UN-MIGHTY! He doesn't expect us to be MIGHTY all the time. :)
That's why He assured us in verse 17: The Lord your God is with you, despite ur situation.
He is the God of Despite. He is MIGHTY TO SAVE!

And although we are weak, fearful, and when our hands hang limp..still in verse 17 He promised: I WILL TAKE GREAT DELIGHT IN YOU, QUIET YOU WITH MY LOVE, and REJOICE OVER YOU WITH SINGING! (verse 17)......I am speechlesss......

How great is our GOD!!!

Gilaa tuhan sih bae buangetttttttttttttttt................................................terharu terus tiap hari T_T
ini nih yg bikin gw jadi MELLOW!!!!!!!!!!how can u NOT be mellow of such a SWEET and ROMANTIC GOD???!???!!!!

God u know my needs, U know my fears,
Take all of me..Use me, until I am no more....

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